Based in Hamburg/DE and Vienna/AT
My artistic practice is based on building my own dramaturgy where my works are the characters, which are letting us in a mythological
environment with a space for a critical reflection and open dialogue. In my projects I tend to create sculptural installations with an additional level of mediation through organizing workshops,
artist lectures and text-based work presenting and articulating themes which are relevant for me.
Medias which I often use for creating these conceptual spaces are papier-mâché, ceramics, textile, metal and drawing. For me it is
important to reflect themes of utopia, future, care, environment, society, humanity etc. not only through sculptural or material-based media, but also through theoretic research and
In my graphical works I create scenes presenting gestures of care performed by humans and non-human others in fictional world of
“tomorrow”. I often find impulses for my work in texts of theorists from Eastern European Landscape. In these quite daring theories, I find utopias that I would like to rethink in the current
context. So, I build non existing spaces- utopias and their inhabitants. These speculative spaces invite us to feel and imagine not-yet-exiting narratives which differ from our current
With the perspective to the utopian world my figurative ceramics represent my experienced reflections to formal embodiment of power
relations, migration, unhomeliness and feminist theory, through the optic of personal mythology and my perspective as a female artist with migrative background.
My latest projects include international group and solo shows at Belvedere 21 Museum Vienna, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Pragovka, Kunstraum Super
Vienna, Andrea Festa fine art Rome, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof Hamburg, Spazio Serra Milan, Kunstraum Lakeside, Rea! Fair, Kunsthaus Wien, Superbien! Berlin, TakeCare LA etc. I hold MFA diploma in
sculpture from Academy of fine arts Vienna and MFA from HFBK Hamburg.
HFBK: Master of Fine Arts(sculpture) class of Pia Stadtbäumer
Academy of Fine Arts: MFA in Textual sculpture class of Heimo Zobernig
MHAT Theatre Academy: Stage Design, class of Stanislav Benediktov
Awards & Grants
stART.up scholarship, Claussen-Simon-Stiftung 2024-2025
Prisma Art Prize 13th edition honorable mention
Studio scholarship, Frappant e. V. supporter by Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung, 2023-2024
Examenstipendium, 2023
Social Student Award Hamburg 2022
Project grant of Freundeskreis HFBK Hamburg 2022
Masterstipendium des Freundeskreises der HFBK HAMBURG e.V.2022-2023
STEP TRAVEL grant, 2019
Support Grant, Latvian Art Academy of Fine Arts,2019
Project Funding Grant, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2019
Project Funding Grant, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2018
Second Year Scholarship, Academy of Fine Arts, 2017-2018
Exhibitions and projects:
- Prostejov, CZ, FSUP Prostejov, group show/festival
- Hamburg, DE, Goodbye Blue Sky, MOM Art Space,duo show with Simone
- Vienna, AT, Here and Now, Verein Skulptur/Neuer Kunstverein Vienna, curated by Herwig Kempinger and Kasia
Matt-Uszynska, group show
- Hamburg, DE, Sleeping Quarters, Frappant Gallery, solo show
- Horice, CZ, Kosmos, Muzeum a galerie Horice, group show and international festival
- Bratislava, SVK, Reaching the Earth, Umrian Contemporary, solo show
- Carinthia, AT, Wo das Heimische unheimlich wird - ein Grenzgang, Grünspan, group show
- Milan, IT, “Punteggiato di luce, giaceva lì, scintillante, Galleria Mimmo Scognamiglio, curated by Milena
- Köln, DE, Amoured Concrete, Artothek Köln, solo show
- Bratislava, SVK, Unpetrified, Umrian Contemporary, group show
- Krakow,PL, WOMAN ARTIST ON THE MOVE, Dom Norymberski, group show curated by Anka Lesniak
- Ravenna,IT, Un Paradiso Amaro *Visita di Ravenna, Polo delle Arti di Ravenna, group show curated by Judith Augustinovic and Valerie
- Hamburg, DE, Andere Verhältnisse, Kunsthaus Hamburg, group show curated by Ev van Hettmer
- Hamburg, DE, These Hands That Keep Betraying Me, Hinterconti, duo with Judith Delgado
- Vienna, AT, sharing sessions, Motherboard curated by Sara Alavi Kia, Doris Richter and Stephanie Winter
- Vienna, AT, Vienna Art Week, open studio days with Alfred Rottensteiner
- Warsaw, PL, Warsaw>KIN<Berlin, Galeria Promocyjna, curated by Elisabeth Sonneck and Katie
- Yerewan, ARM, What Happened, when? Arten Theatre, group show curated by Vladimir Serykh
- Hannover, DE, Archaic Futures, ADAD Space, group show curated by SALVE Berlin
- Leipzig, DE, Youth Sanctuary, KULTURHaus/Josephkonsum, group show curated by Kulturhaus
- Olomouc, CZ, Constructing Utopia,XY Gallery, group show curated by Anna Bochkova
- Hamburg, DE, Positions 2, Kunstfabrik, group show by BBK Hamburg curated by Carsten Rabe
- Vienna, AT, Über Das Neue (On The New) , Belvedere 21
- Vienna, AT, Supermodels, Kunstraum Super, kuratiert von Bianca Pedrina
- Rome, IT, Bitter Paradise/Viaggio a Roma, Austrian Cultural Forum, group show curated by Judith Augustinovic and Valerie Habsburg
- Prague, CZ, Echo of Depth in Space, Pragovka, group show curated by Anna König Vlk LINK
- Hamburg, DE, Painful Tenderness, Hinterconti, group show curated by Judith Hofer
- Hamburg, DE, Anonymous Drawer, HYCP, group show
- Jerewan/Online, AM, Where are all the painters? Group show curated by ddd.kunsthouse
- Rome, IT,TheAppearance Formula, group show, Andrea Festa Fine Arts, curated by Benedetta Monti
- Prague, CZ, Remember
Teach Nature, group show, Pop up Gallery AVU for SUMO Prague
- Vienna, AT, Just Around The Cosmos,
Kunstraum Super, curated by Bianca Pedrina, solo show
- Potsdam, DE, Der Mensch verlinkt den Kosmos, Rechenzentrum Potsdam, group show
- Hamburg, DE, Silver Lining, GastGarten
gallery, group show
- Los Angeles, USA, Related to Transition,
SuperBien! at Take Care LA, group show
- Hamburg, DE, Imagining Health, HFBK
Gallery, group show
- Vienna, AT, Ort Der Kraft, Site specific project around group of caves, curated by Anna Bochkova
- Vienna, AT, Teach Nature, Kunsthaus Wien, Group show
- Hamburg, DE I never promised you a rose garden, Einstellungsraum, group
- Milan, IT ReA! Venera6, art
- Hamburg, DE Rebound, Künsterhaus Sootbörn, group
- Prague, CZ This Mess We're In, Svetova1 ,
group show curated by Zai Xu and Michal Jalůvka
- Milan, IT Expansa, Tempio del future perduto space, group show curated by NudiBranchi
curatorial collective
- Vienna, AT Smolka Contemporary, Eco Flirt, group show in frames of Vienna Biennale curated by Elisabeth von Samsonow
- Internet 5x3 Space, Temporary monument, solo project
- Vienna, AT Aquarium SPACES, MFA degree show
- Brno, CZ Industra, THE ROOM group show curated by David Bartos and Anna
- Prostejov, CZ Prostejov Contemporary Gallery, Convers[at]ions, group show curated by
David Bartos
- Vienna, AT Parallel Vienna Edition, Undoing Landscape
- Vienna, AT Erste Foundation, Undoing Landscape vol.2., group show curated by Adam Szymczyk
- Vienna, AT Xhibit, Undoing Landscape, group show curated by Adam Szymczyk
- Vienna, AT Stoffe im Raum, Heiligenkreuzer Hof, group show
- Hamburg, DE The Room, offsite solo project
- Hamburg, DE Silent Places, [inthebox] Kuenstlerhaus Sootboern, solo show
- Hamburg, DE Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, SU3, duo show with Naama Salzberg
- Olomouc, CZ Basement Project, Of the Bodies Changed To Other Forms I Tell, solo show, curated David Bartos
- Vienna, AT Palais Lichtenstein, Academy doesn't sleep, group show
- Prague, CZ Pragovka, Erinnerungsinseln, duo show with Valerie Habsburg
- Barcelona, ES Espacio88, Unlock, group show
- Budapest, HU 1111Gallery, group publication (online)
- Rotterdam, NL PRISM AT HOME, group project (online)
- Vienna, AT contribution (drawing) to coloring quarantine, Exile Gallery
- Umea, SE group show, Galleri Socker “20x20x20’
- Vienna, AT solo project ‘The Dawns Here Are Quiet’
- Ostrava, CZ solo show, Galeria PODLAHA ‘Treasure Island’
- Aalborg, DK solo show, ArtRoom1000Fryd 'Zeus,give me my EU pass'
- Vienna, AT group show, Parallel Vienna 'Rethinking vulnerability'
- Riga, LT group show and lecture, New Art Biennale Riga 'Art Future/Future Signs, Latvian Art Academy
- Berlin, DE solo project and performance, Octagon: Zeus, give me my EU pass
- Ljubljana, SVN group exhibition, Mglc Ljubljana: #s02e02 curated by gallery7069
- Vienna, AT solo project, In the morning we all awake sharp-eyed
- Prague, CZ solo exhibition, Meet Art: And we will flow like rivers
- Vienna, AT solo exhibition, Aquarium: Surprise me with the truth
- Tromsø, NO solo exhibition, Galleri Snerk: Memorabilia
- Vienna, AT solo exhibition Aquarium: Hierarchy
- Vienna, AT Kurzbauergasse, Performance lecture 'Victory over the sun. An homage to the titans of art'
- Graz, AT Karl-Franzens-University: Performance lecture and pop-up exhibition as part of the seminar 'I'll be your mirror'
- Prague, CZ group exhibition, GRID Gallery: Prožij kubismus
- Riga, LT group exhibition, Art Academy of Latvia: Opening Performance 'Letters from Utopia', mini-Biennale Art Future/Future Revolution
- Vienna, AT Mican Offspace: Group Exhibition Artists' Waste, Wasted Artists
- Vienna, AT group exhibition, Neuer Kunstverein: Thingness, Performance evening hosted by Yingmei Duan
- Vienna, AT group exhibition, mo.ë Off Space: Group exhibition DADADADA